Song: Osuba re re o /2ce
Oba ta o ri, ta n ri ise owo re…
Chants begin
O di teere, o dile Jesu Kristi Oba
Oba akoda aye, Oba aseda orun
Oba to ni ki bebe o maa be,Oba to ni ki wawa o wa
Aleda, Ameda, Apeda…
There is an intrinsic aspect of the Yoruba traditional ceremonies that we are also going to see. It is one of the major dances of the Yoruba people; a dance characterized by loud drumming, energetic punctuated dances and of course acrobatic displays. Ladies and gentlemen, let’s welcome to the stage the Lifeforte Junior School pupils as they present the Bata dance.

Song: Omo lo o fi gbe, Itunuoluwa
Omo lo o fi gbe , Oja Odun
Ti mama fun e, Omo lo o fi gbe
Owo osun, ti Baba fun e
Omo lo o fig be…

So, ladies and gentlemen, this is a colourful display of the breathtaking grandeur of the Yoruba culture.